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The structured “SCIENCE” in the combination comes from years of research in the area of learning content and instruction design. A dedicated team of experts has continued to study these principles of adult learning and integrated this understanding into a set of universally applicable human relations principles, to create the foundation of our learning material. Benchmarking of best practices which work globally has then been used to scientifically develop sets of learning modules which relate to a particular area of business effectiveness like communication and presentation skills, influencing and negotiation, world class customer service practices, leadership, team development and achieving performance breakthroughs.
Blending with the science is the unique “art” of Lincoln & Moore Consulting – a learner centric approach that applies the very same human relation principles, which form a large part of the training content itself. This is possibly one of the reasons why, it can even take 18 months or more for an individual to get certified to facilitate at Lincoln & Moore – and, in quite a few cases aspirants may not make the grade ! This unique methodology remains peculiar to Lincoln & Moore, structured on time-tested principles of adult learning which makes the learning experience simple and full of fun. No wonder, adult Lincoln & Moore Trainees, including the heads of companies and extending right down to the frontline teams, cannot seem to wait to apply the classroom learning, like little children.
As a constantly learning organization itself, Lincoln & Moore continues to weave this core competence into domain expertise of the clients it works with, to lead to business success, which can sometimes best be described as “MAGIC”
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