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Sahil Shaikh

Compliance Fatigue : The Learning killer

‍Compliance Fatigue is a term that has been around for a while now.

This is the feeling of being overworked, and not having enough time to perform the duties that are expected of you. It’s no surprise then that people get exhausted after continuous work, even after they have taken breaks.

Even so, the problem with this term is that it’s not well-defined. There are many things that can cause compliance fatigue, but it all boils down to how you manage them.

In this article we will discuss what compliance fatigue is, as well as its causes and ways to prevent it from affecting you and the organization.

What is Compliance Fatigue

It is one thing to be frustrated at the increasing regulatory burdens employees are facing and therefore “fatigued,” but it is quite a different thing to be frustrated with compliance itself, and the bottom line is that in most scenarios it can also be termed as “overregulation fatigue”. Middle management at most public and private organizations have multiplied the number of rules and processes over the last few years, resulting in a state of chronic fatigue, hence the expression “compliance fatigue.” Lawmakers and regulators may be guilty of overregulation, and this frustration does not necessarily arise from an issue of whether to comply with legislation and regulations that have been lawfully passed and promulgated.

Compliance Fatigue can occur due to many reasons, but the most common causes are :

- Your job is too exhaustive: You’re expected to do too much, and this can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed.

- Your values don’t align with your company’s values: You’re expected to follow the law, and you don’t agree with that.

- You’re expected to do things that are outside your scope: You’re expected to manage a team of 100 people, and you’re only

responsible for 20 of them.

- You’re expected to do things that are not in line with your core competence: You’re expected to manage your company’s

finances, but you have no idea about it.

- You have strained relationships with your team members: You’ve been working in the same team for many years, but you

don’t get along with any of them.

- You have strained relationships with your managers: You don’t see eye to eye with your managers, and this is affecting


Why Does Compliance “Frightening” Occur?

Every company has a set of laws and regulations that it has to follow. Compliance is just being aware of these laws, and acting according to them. In every organization there are few people who are responsible for keeping a check on the laws, regulations, and policies that have been set. These people are called compliance officers, and they are the ones who are responsible for keeping the organization’s personnel in check. So, what happens when the compliance officer is not in a right state of mind? As we said earlier, compliance officers are responsible for keeping the organization’s personnel in check. And that includes you as well. You see, Compliance Officers are the bridge between management and the employees. They are there to ensure that the employees follow all the set policies and laws, and they’re also supposed to ensure that your manager follows the rules as well. As an employee, you have the freedom to choose which path you want to go. And that means that if you choose to break the rules, it’s on you. But, if the compliance officer does not follow the rules, then they are just as responsible for it as you are. This creates a very unhealthy environment for the organization. And as an employee, you end up feeling that “we’re all in this together” kind of vibe, but you also feel like you’re being watched at every step. These feelings of guilt, shame and guilt can quickly build up if you don’t do anything about it.

Signs of Compliance Fatigue

- You find yourself wanting to cry: This is a sign that you’re not okay.

- You feel like you’re being lied to: This is a sign that the company culture is not okay.

- You find it difficult to concentrate on work: this is also a sign that you need to take a break

- You feel like you’re being harmed in some way: This is a sign that the company culture is not okay.

- You feel like you’re being watched: This is a sign that you need to talk to your manager and the compliance officer.

- You feel overwhelmed or pushed to the brink: This is your body’s way of telling you that you need to slow down and take a


Strategies to Prevent Compliance Fatigue

The best way to prevent Compliance Fatigue is to never make it your problem. Yes, we know that’s easier said than done, but if you manage it properly, you’ll be fine. We suggest that you follow these steps to prevent Compliance Fatigue:

- Become aware of your feelings: This is the first step to managing your feelings. You need to be aware of the emotions you’re

feeling, and try to understand them.

- Ask yourself: What are you feeling right now? This can help you understand what you’re feeling, and can also help you figure

out what you’re feeling guilty about.

- Talk to a friend: This can help you manage your emotions, and can also help you figure out what you need to talk to your

manager about.


Compliance Fatigue is when an employee feels overwhelmed, and not being able to do the things they want to do in their job. It can happen to anyone, even the best of people. And the best way to prevent it is to make sure you have time off, and to take time off. If you feel like you’re experiencing compliance fatigue, take a step back, take a break, and come back to it when you’re feeling better. It could be that you need more time off than you think. While it can be scary to think about taking time off, it's important to remember that it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's perfectly normal to need time off, and it doesn't mean you're unprofessional or lazy. It's okay, and it's what you need to do.

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